Wasted Opportunities

A man who misses his opportunity, and the monkey who misses his branch, cannot be saved.”- Indian proverb.

Wasted opportunities warrant severe karmic repercussions. You get punished for wasting both the opportunities as well as the resources that could have helped others. As a karmic consequence, you will be unable to do all that you wish to do and are capable of doing due to ailments, financial constraints, or lack of opportunities.

The problem again, is ingratitude, preventing people from valuing anything, and missing golden opportunities that are never to come again. So take full advantage of all the good things including good people in your life when they are available to you. “Every drop makes an ocean.” – Old proverb.

Cumulative effects of karma– Karmic effects are cumulative. Nothing happens ‘all of a sudden.’ For example, a jackpot or big fortune received could be the ‘cumulative effects’ of little kind actions performed over time, even in a few lifetimes.

On the other hand, a disaster or a big misfortune could be the accumulated effects of small negligence or trivial negative actions repeated over and over in a lifetime or in several lifetimes. Even when a healthy person or a sports person gets affected with crippling ailment, it is often due to accumulated karmic debts. There cannot be an effect without a cause.

Do not be careless about anything in life. All that you do, no matter how trifling it might be, matters a lot in the long run.

Extract from the book “Secrets of Karma” by Vee Jay Attri.

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