The awareness of karma brought many positive changes in their lives, sometimes even life-transforming experiences. Many got healed physically and emotionally, and a few were even cured from severe ailments that had previously seemed medically incurable. Some gave up addictions to smoking and alcohol. Those who lost their loved ones recovered from long-term depression and started a new life filled with zeal. Many realized the power of blessing and sharing; some improved relationships that were on the verge of breaking down, while a few others came out of major financial crises. People started to bless even those who had harmed them and became more tolerant and kind towards others. Many youngsters gave up negative activities and made excellent progress, both materially and spiritually. Those struck by tragedies accepted them as part of their learning and balancing process, and inspired others to grow spiritually. Overall, people regained control of their lives just by developing the right awareness of the laws that govern life.