The Guru’s Help

The guru will help you. God talks to you and guides you through a guru, one who loves God day and night. His one duty is to plant love for God in your consciousness. He seeks nothing from you but your own spiritual effort. Whether you curse him, or whether you praise him, he is not affected by it. But if you tune in with him, he will be able to help you remove the veil of ignorance from your consciousness.

When you follow the Guru’s advice, you will see you are free. Even when Master (Swami Sri Yukteswar) told me something that I felt certain could not be so, right away it came to pass. Many times he warned others of the consequences of their intended actions. Those who didn’t listen found their lives shattered by disappointments. A true guru warns you only to help you avoid the pitfalls along your path. Some lesser teachers fly off the handle when their disciples are not obedient. But Master would only say, “Don’t you think this is right?” I repeat a thing twice; Master used to say only once. And those who didn’t take the advice would find out that they should have.

Extract from the book “The Divine Romance” by Sri Sri Paramahansa Yogananda

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