
EP69: Karma & Varna-Dharma IV

In the ancient times, the warriors were actually interested in the well being of the people. Many such great Kings and Queens were exemplary as the focus was on protecting Dharma and protecting the integrity of the nation.

EP64: Karma and Dharma III

This is a book study session of ‘Secrets of Karma’ led by the author himself ‘Vee Jay Attri’. The author explains how a bumblebee exemplifies the type of energy and vibration that a spiritual person needs to exude. In the second half of the session, the focus shifts to the chapter on Karma and Dharma from the book.

EP63: Karma and Dharma II

This is a book study session of ‘Secrets of Karma’ led by the author himself ‘Vee Jay Attri’. The author elaborates on the need for performing activities with love, sincerity, dedication and intent to help others evolve. The focus should be on learning lessons.

EP62: Karma and Dharma I

This is a book study session of ‘Secrets of Karma’ led by the author himself ‘Vee Jay Attri’. In this reading, the author talks about compromising what is right for what is more right in terms of Dharma. Krishna from the Mahabharata is cited as an example.