Strength in Times of Adversity

Everything the Lord has created is to try us, to bring out the buried soul immortality within us. That is the adventure of life, the one purpose of life. And everyone’s adventure is different, unique. You should be prepared to deal with all problems of health, mind and soul by commonsense methods and faith in God, knowing that in life or death your soul remains unconquered.

Never let life beat you down. Beat life! If you have a strong will you can overcome all difficulties. Affirm, even in the midst of trials: “Danger and I were born together, and I am more dangerous than danger!” This is a truth you should always remember; apply it and you will see that it works. Don’t behave like a cringing mortal being. You are a child of God!

Many people are afraid of life’s problems. I have never feared them, for I have always prayed: “Lord, may Thy power increase in me. Keep me in the positive consciousness that with Thy help I can always overcome my difficulties.”

Since you are made in God’s image, to believe that your tests are more difficult than your divinity is powerful to overcome them is to believe in an untruth. Remember, no matter what your tests are, you are not too weak to fight. God will not suffer you to be tempted more than you are able to bear.

Saint Francis had more troubles than you could imagine, but he didn’t give up. One by one, by the power of mind, he overcame those obstacles and became one with the Master of the Universe. Why shouldn’t you have that kind of determination?

Use every trial that comes to you as an opportunity to improve yourself. When you are passing through the difficulties and tests of life, you usually become rebellious: “Why should this happen to me?” Instead, you should think of every trial as a pickaxe with which to dig into the soil of your consciousness and release the fountain of spiritual strength that lies within. Each test should bring out the hidden power that is within you as a child of God, made in His image.

To fly away from problems may seem the easiest solution. But you gain strength only when you wrestle with a strong opponent. One who doesn’t have difficulties is one who doesn’t grow.

A life without problems would be no life at all- with no incentive to improve ourselves and develop our divine potential.

To be a conqueror of self is to be truly victorious- to conquer your circumscribed consciousness and expand your spiritual powers without limit. You can go as far as you want to go, past all limitations, and live a supremely victorious existence. Break out of the mental cell of ignorance that has you confined. Think differently.

With the thought-sword of wisdom, destroy the thought-cords that bind you. Life is a battle and you must fight to win it…. Who can stop you from thinking you are a God? No one. You are your only obstruction.

You must cease to think you are a mortal being if you would find lasting happiness. Practice this truth in your daily life.

Smile at the world with a smile from within…. Learn to be happy at will and to hold on to that happiness within, no matter what happens. Some people are absolutely crushed by their tests; others smile on in spite of their difficulties. Those who are unconquered in spirit are the real successes in life.

Extract from the book “Where There is Light” by Sri Sri Paramahansa Yogananda.

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