Spiritual Consciousness Obeys All the Rules That Make Life Complete

Spiritual consciousness means the use of superwisdom, truth, to do the things that supremely benefit yourself and others. Dwell on that thought. It includes selfless service to others, right behavior, adherence to hygienic and all other laws of life, and a harmonious performance of all your duties, material and spiritual, without allowing one duty to contradict another. Spiritual consciousness is a perfect internal expression of truth that manifests as a balanced, harmonious life, giving you true happiness, which you in turn share with others.

A consciousness that does not obey all the rules that make life complete is not spiritual consciousness. Some people become artists, for example, and in the pursuit of art they forget other practical and spiritual duties. Certainly, art is a beautiful expression, and may well convey spiritual ideas; yet the man who produces it may not be spiritual. To live a contradictory life- to do one duty and use it as an excuse to neglect other duties- is to live unspiritually. When you perform all duties cheerfully, without letting any duty upset your inner calm and happiness, and when you avoid any contradiction of duties that makes your life unbalanced, you will have true spiritual happiness. The trend of all your mind and consciousness will be turned back toward the source, toward God. Spiritual consciousness is the supreme consciousness you must attain in order to have a harmonious and peaceful existence. Without that spiritual balance in life, happiness is impossible. To live a contradictory life is to be unbalanced, and to lead an unbalanced life is a sure way to unhappiness.

Extract from the book “The Divine Romance” by Sri Sri Paramahansa Yogananda

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