“Heal the wound before it leaves a scar.” – Vee Jay Attri
Spoken words, good or bad, tend to manifest. The elders say, “For all that is said, the angels respond with Tath Astu.” It means ‘so be it’. So you need to be careful about what you often say for yourself and others. For example, instead of saying, ‘I am sick, I am sad’ and give power to it, you may affirm, ‘I am healthy, I am happy.’
Harsh words and critical thoughts affect people. Even if it is unintentional, it still causes harm to others as it becomes an obstacle in their life and blocks their progress. You can avoid incurring bad karma for this by silently affirming: “I recall and cancel what I said”, or “I recall and cancel this thought.” Also, bless the person using guidelines in Key 42. If you have used harsh words, verbally ask for forgiveness.
Extract from the book “Secrets of Karma” by Vee Jay Attri