How to know that state of nonidentification with your troubles? I will tell you. Even if there is a serious problem you can’t solve, or your body is in trouble, when you are asleep you are free within, free from karma. Do you see? Even by just closing your eyes and shutting out the sight of the world and your body, it is possible to separate yourself to some degree from identification with the body. You begin to understand that you are consciousness; you are thought. Thought cannot be invaded by the sensations of the body unless you permit it. Close your eyes and you can feel this truth within. Try it out. It will work. When with closed eyes you remain fortified within yourself, and do not allow your mind to be excited by the sensations of the body, you become free from karma. Isn’t that a marvelous thought?
See the compassion of God, that for eight hours every night, while you sleep, you experience no pain, no suffering, no knowledge that you have no money in the bank- no difficulties at all. In this way He shows you that when you free your mind, you are free from karma. Many drink or take drugs to forget their troubles, but that is not the way. Liquor and dope only add to your troubles. So when you have a problem, one way to help yourself is to sleep it off.
Extract from the book “The Divine Romance” by Sri Sri Paramahansa Yogananda