Then Peter came to Jesus and asked, “Lord, how many times shall I forgive my brother when he sins against me? Up to seven times?” Jesus answered, “I tell you, not seven times, but seventy-seven times.” – Holy Bible
Blessing people who gave you pain and forgiving them for the harm they have caused you may help to partly heal past karmic issues with them.
Steps to practise forgiveness– Think of people who have caused you harm and say: “I bless you with the spirit of forgiveness. Forgive me as well for any harm I have caused you in the past. With the blessings of God, may all our karmic issues be healed. So Be It.” Bless them everyday until you find positive changes. You may also bless all those who are connected with you in this life and in all your past lifetimes and ask forgiveness so as to heal unresolved karmic issues with them. You may silently affirm: “I bless everyone who is karmically connected to me in this life and in all my past lives. Wherever they are, may they all be blessed with peace and joy. I ask forgiveness for any harm caused by me to anyone in this life and in all my past lives, either consciously or unconsciously. With the blessings of God and all the Great Ones, may all unresolved karmic issues with all those connected to me in this life and in all my past lives be healed. So Be It. “
When practise regularly, this can bring many positive transformations in your life.
Extract from the book “Secrets of Karma” by Vee Jay Attri