Man is Made in the Image of God

You are an image of God; you should behave like a god. But what happens? First thing in the morning you lose your temper and complain, “My coffee is cold!” What does it matter? Why be disturbed by such things? Have that evenness of mind wherein you are absolutely calm, free from all anger. That is what you want. Don’t let anyone or anything “get your goat.” Your “goat” is your peace. Let nothing take it away from you. And blame no one else for your unhappiness; blame yourself. If you are mistreated by others, seek the fault in yourself, and you will find it much easier to get along with everyone. Jesus looked upon his enemies as little children. If a child hits you, you don’t hate him for it. You forgive him, realizing he didn’t know better. When people persecute you, do not desecrate the image of God within you by vengeful retaliation. If you want to realise His image within, remember now that you are a god, and behave like one.

Most people are victims of moods, and unless one controls them, they will control him. A person who is not self-controlled is not fully “sane,” and he doesn’t know it! He who masters his moods becomes a more balanced individual. It is a strange phenomenon that no one can be tempted to do willingly something he feels is against his own highest interest; yet of his own volition, spurred by moods, whims, and habits, he does many things that are contrary indeed to his welfare.

Always think first of what you are about to do and how it will affect you. To act on impulse is not freedom, for you will be bound by the unpleasant effects of wrong actions. But to do those things your discrimination tells you are good for you is all-freeing. That kind of wisdom-guided action makes for a divine existence. Then you find and reflect the image of God within you. When you make up your mind to do or not to do something, and you carry out that resolution-in spite of contrary influences of moods or bad habits- that is real freedom.

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