Greetings everyone.
Today’s challenge is not to diminish the divine connection in all that you do.
Just like when the WIFI/internet connection is strong, you enjoy a smooth WhatsApp/Zoom call or youtube video, same when the spiritual connection is strong, you there is greater fulfillment in all that you do.
Sri Pramahansa Yoganada says:
Work of any kind, if done in the right spirit, gives you victory over yourself… The attitude with which you work is what counts. Mental laziness & working unwillingly spoil one. When you perform your duty with the right attitude, that of “it is a privilege to serve”, you win!
Mental unwillingness to work is accompanied by listlessness & lack of energy. and lack of energy. Enthusiasm and willingness go hand in hand with fresh supplies of energy.
If your work in life is humble, do not apologize fro it. Be proud you are fulfilling the duty given by the Father. He needs you in your particular place; all people cannot play the same role. All work is purifying if done with the right motive.
Throughout the day, maintain a high divine connection, and see the magic.