In every lifetime, you have a ‘chosen path’ to tread in order to balance your karma and evolve through the lessons the path would provide. You can also exercise ‘free will’ before incarnating to choose a life you want to experience, but within the means of the karma you carry. For example, you can use your karmic income to have a life full of comfort and luxury in an embodiment. However, if you have much negative karma to work out, you may have to choose a path that is most likely to balance it.
You also have a certain freedom to make your own choices during the course of your life. You may, for example, decide not to smoke or choose to create a habit and get addicted to it. Whatever may be your choices, you are responsible for their effects. Whether a king or a beggar, saint or a sinner, everyone is bound by the immutable laws of nature.
In some lifetimes, you may need to clear your karmic debts rapidly in order to propel your spiritual evolution. You may think that your life went away in a struggle, but it was actually your investment. When the right time comes, all the difficulties and challenges you went through will yield a fortune.
Some people are proud about their possessions or accomplishments, including spiritual knowledge, and look down upon others. They lack the wisdom to look at the ‘whole picture’. All are bound by their ‘chosen path’, and have to learn their ‘karmic lessons’ only through that path. Also, while some have a great deal of accomplishments, others could be busy doing things they ought to do out of necessity to balance their karma, while laying the foundation for building greater things.
Everything in life is just a matter of time. ‘All is well’ and exactly the way it needs to happen now. Accept your ‘chosen path’ and bring excellence in all that you do. Your good times will come.
Extract from the book “Secrets of Karma” by Vee Jay Attri