We believe that there is a scope for everyone to become a better version of himself/herself in some way or the other. And as one becomes better, this has a positive ripple effect to our immediate family, coworkers, society, the country and the world at large.
I Am Better project is one of the major initiative of the organisation entirely focussed on helping people becoming better everyday in every way. Our effort is to 1) inspire people to do good and 2) help people transform their energy.
We raise awareness about the formidable world of energy and the immutable laws of nature that govern our life. The awareness programs that are designed for all and take the form of:
1) awareness exhibitions,
2) workshops,
3) radio and TV campaigns,
4) press and web articles
We engage and nurture people to improve their energy and imbibe the virtues related to Love, Intelligence and the Will to do good and become better and better versions of themselves everyday and every way.
We transform the lives of individuals to inspirational leaders and create a better society, better country and better world.
I Am Better, a Core Personality Development course
Everyday in every way, I am getting better & better
Emile Coue

I Am Better is a FREE course on CORE Personality Development. The course provides a clear understanding of the root cause of challenges of life and the way to work towards lasting solutions in a practical and objective manner that would lead towards a fuller, richer life.

The reason why there is much pain and sufferings in the lives of people is lack of awareness. In his book, Awareness’, Anthony de Mello states: “What you are aware of, you are in control of; what you are not aware or, is in control of you”. In the ‘Secrets of the Millionaire Mind’, T. Harv Eker states: “Change the invisible, the visible will follow”. Blending the wisdom contained in these two extraordinary quotes, I Am Better addresses two fundamental aspects of our existence:
- The formidable world of energy.
- The immutable laws of nature.
The root cause of all that we experience are connected with these two factors. Unless transformation happens here, no lasting changes can happen.
What can you expect from this program?
✓ I Am Better will provide a ‘magic mirror’ to look into your life objectively and make you aware of what has attracted all that you are experiencing in your life. The ‘magic mirror’ will help you to see your life accurately, free of delusions and deceptions.
✓ I Am Better will provide powerful tools to work with your present conditions and take full control of your life, and live a stress-free life.
✓ You will discover simple, yet powerful ways to improve your health, relationships, career and finance.
✓ You will experience acceleration in your spiritual development, inner peace and clarity of mind.
✓ Students will have a remarkable progress in their academic performance, emotional stability and behaviour.
✓ No matter who you are and what you do, your participation in the I Am Better will be an enriching experience for you.
Some of the things you will learn:
- The Golden Rule
- Mysteries of the world of energy and its mighty influence in your emotional and mental wellbeing
- The Ripple Effect
- Neutralising negative effects that prevent you from success
- Building your destiny
- And many more…
I Am Better for all
I Am Better is designed to address the needs of a wide spectrum of participants – educators, corporates, doctors and paramedics, housewives, youth and children. Normally it is a one-day course of full 8 hours. However, I Am Better can be customized to suit specific needs of your organisation and can be conducted in 2 or 3 sessions.